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Recipebook - Eisenberg       Result Competition             Songbook    Recipebook

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 H a u p t g e r i c h t                   M a i n   C o u r s e

 Kartoffel-Roulade   /   Potato Rolls                      

Ingredients potato dough:

250 g boiled potatoes, mashed, 50 g cold butter, 1 egg, 250 – 300 g flour, 1 teaspoon salt

Mix ingredients well and roll the dough to a rectangle 20 x 45 cm, 1 cm thick and cover it with a minced meat stuffing:

Ingredients stuffing:

250 – 375 g minced meat, 1 egg, 1 onion, chopped, 1 soaked roll (squeeze out), salt and pepper

Roll up the potato dough with stuffing, cut it in slices (2 cm thick) and fry the slices on both sides in a frying pan.

Serve it with lettuce and tomatoe sauce or vegetables


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