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From: Turba - School, Estonia
Chapter 1:
( chapter 1 Estonian English chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4)One day a small piece of tin
One day a small piece of tin-plate felt he was being reshaped by strange machines. H e was made into a typical round Can H e felt a bit uncertain when he was lifted to a next machine. Everything became dark all of a sudden and he felt his new body was changing. Then it became light again and he noticed he had turned into a colourful can. But the torturing was not over yet for next he was lifted on a new conveyer line where he was filled with some strange liquid and the lid was fixed.
But suddenly a Rat jumped on the line and pushed the Can down.
"Help!" the Can should only shout when he found himself at the mercy of new factors. All this had been terrifying, but the following days seemed even more like one big nightmare.
The Rat had dared to push the Can off the line, and furthermore, he started rolling him towards his nest.
But suddenly the Can heard caterwaul and a Big Black Cat leaped out from behind the corner. The Rat goggled his eyes and with his tail between his legs rushed towards his nest.
The Cat who had driven off the Rat treated the Can as his own. He started to roll the Can scratching him all the time.
The Can`s sufferings would have gone on if there hadn`t been a voice coming from the distance calling "Miisu! Miisu! Miisu!", and the Black Cat dashed ack where he came from. The Can gave a sigh of relief and tried to roll himself under the table and fell asleep snoring.
At the same time the working-day had ended in the factory and all the workers had gone home. The Can, after sleeping only for a few hours, heard silent steps and a torch was switched on. The Can peeped out from under the table and saw men in masks.
His first thought was to escape. He started to roll slowly but all of a sudden he stumbled over something big and red. An alarm started and the burglers escaped. He understood that he had done a good turn and saved the factory from robbing.
About five minutes passed and the factory was filled with all kind of people. For this day his adventures were over and he fell asleep again.
Waking up fresh in the morning our Can realised that he can`t spend all his life under the table. He decided to look around to find out what was going on.
But it turned out to be not a very good idea. No 43 shoes almost stepped on him weren`t it for a woman`s shriek, "Look out! There`s a can!". The man bent down to lift the Can. He put him into the box where there were others of the same kind.