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     Songs and Recipies  from Limassol


Dhaktyla  (Fingers)


 Dough  7280 gr. (1  oke) flour,  1 glass oil  640 gr. ('/i oke) water,  a little  salt  Syrup,  640 gr. ('/2 oke) sugar,  480 gr. (150 dr.) water, juice and rind of one lemon,  sprig of cinnamon,  orange-blossom  water.  Filling:  480 gr. (150 dr.) ground almonds,  cinnamon (powder),  orange-blossom  water,  sugar.

 Sieve together flour and salt, rub in the fat lightly  with  the  finger-tips  until the  mixture resembles  breadcrumbs. Add water  and knead  well.  Sprinkle  with a little flour, cover with a clean cloth and leave  it  for  half an hour. Roll out until very thin and cut  into pieces of 12  by  a 8 inches. Add filling leghthwise and roll them  up. Press the edges together with the  help of a fork  Fry lightly in hot oil until golden.  Drain  and dip  them into  syrup. Leave them for about 1 minute in  the  syrup,  take  them out and  serve. Filling:  Mix  the ground almonds with cinnamon,  sugar  and  a  little orange-blossom water. Syrup:  Put  all  the ingredients  into a saucepan  over the fire  and cook until the consistency resembles that of a concentrated  liquid.  Remove  the cinnamon and  lemon  rind  and  use. For  approximately 150 "dhaktyla".