Comenius 04 - 07 ******* Shaping the European Future Together |
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- Erziehung (2) Environmental walk (Project: Nature walk) Aims: Experience nature and our environment A nature walk that involves all our senses (seeing, hearing, feeling,
tasting) Discovering and noticing pollution in the environment Possible ways of avoiding pollution Content:
6 stations with different
tasks to do A 10-question test DIY from recyclable/natural
materials Analysing water/soil pollution with chemicals Recognising different species of plants and animals in pictures or in
nature Finding points of the compass (without a compass) – orientation with
the help of the sun Finding out about the major wind direction (by the
listing of trees) Find out what nature can offer for us (mushrooms, berries, herbs, fuels, fish, animals – as food, recreation, relaxation etc.) Expected result:
Our pupils will be more aware and sensitive of nature
and environment A 2-page essay about the walk illustrated with photos sent to the school
in Tribes They
make a CD of the essays and also puts them on the Internet by 10th June
2007 Deadline:
20th May 2007