Comenius 04 - 07 ******* Shaping the European Future Together |
Survey Tree Walk Comic Puzzle Song Meeting Main site Education
- Erziehung (4) Art work in a puzzle form by recycled material Each school makes the centre piece (circle) with the Comenius Logo in colour in the centre and writes the name of school and country in each of the 6
sectors. Each school makes 6 pieces of art work using the same size of their puzzle piece (they don’t have to be identical). Use
waist/recyclable material maximum height 30 cm. Each school decides on how to organize the art work (internal
competition –optional) Internal deadline for each school – 31st March 2007 Send to other schools the piece of puzzle by 15th April Each school puts puzzle together, takes photograph (jpg format) and sends 1 to Eisenberg by 30th April Each school decides on how to display – suggestion
use during the EU day.