Comenius 2004 - 2007    ********     Shaping the European Future Together

All    schools - survey 

Cartoon - Comenius - Cat  

Project: Cartoon ”Comenius Cat and the kittens”        

1.   Design a cartoon kitten and give it a name. 

      2.    In each box on the cartoon template show your kitten doing activities that keep it healthy e.g.
In Cyprus it may go skiing in the Troodos mountains, swimming in the sea, playing basketball, 
 eating a healthy breakfast etc. 

      3.  The cartoons can be drawn and then scanned onto the template 

      4.    The lines accompanying the cartoon tell a story about how and why the kitten does their
activities. It should be written as a story and you can be as creative as you like!

You can see our different results

 Cats:  Balatonlelle  Eisenberg  Limassol  Sutton Coldfield  Turba  Triebes 

Cartoons: Balatonlelle  Eisenberg  Limassol  Sutton Coldfield  Turba  Triebes 
