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Duale Oberschule Ramstein – Miesenbach


Comenius 2000/2001    "Making Things"



 National competition



Rank Title Artists and age
1. Place: "Hölle"    -   Hell Darinka (14), Alissa  (14)
2. Place: Rostige Ritter der rüstigen Tafelrunde - Rusty knights of vigorous round table Maurice  (14), Chabo  (15), Marcel  (14), Daniel  (15) Mathias (16)
3. Place (1): Kleidung - Clothes Galina (14), Katharina  (14), Sinaida (14)
3. Place (2):


Daniela (13), André (13), Kai (14), Yvonne (14), Isabelle (14) Victoria (15)
Participators: Alienhead Heiko (14), Alexnader (14)
Participators: Hund der Zukunft - Dog of future Sascha  (15), Alexander  (15), Alexander  (15), Johann  (14)

Result all countries

Third place (2) is the winner in competition for pupils of age 13.