Spinchat Help


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Here's a list of the possible commands once you are logged in. All commands have to start with either a slash (/) or a decimal dot (.)






This command will let you leave the chat again.

/me does something.

Sends an "action" or "emotion" to a channel.

/msg username text

Sends a text privately to the user with the given name

/join channel

Allows you to open another channel

/whois username

Requests additional information about the user with the given name

/who channelname

Shows a list of all the users in the given channel name


Shows a list of all users on the server

/ignore username

Ignores the user with the given name, that means, you will not receive any more messages from that user

/unignore username

Stops ignoring the given user again


Shows a list of all users you ignore


Shows a list of temp and perm operators (ops) and marks the temp ops with brackets.

/oplist channel

Shows a list of temp and perm operators (ops) in the given channel.

/away message

Switches to away mode and sets the away message


Leaves the away mode again


If you are operator in a channel, you have following additional commands:





/op username

Allows you to grant operator rights for somebody else

/deop username

Takes away the operator rights from a temporary operator

/kick username

Throws a user out from the channel

/mute username

Does not let that user speak anymore without him noticing it


You can read more general information about the usage of Spinchat in our Frequently Asked Questions and Answers section.