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Living and working in Europe       2003 - 2004

Result Essay – competition

“Most wanted profession in a European future”


 The most desired profession in the future

Europe tomorrow’s 

  The journalist 

 It has been placed big hopes on the future at all times. It is like dimly faraway reality perceived with the senses where all our wishes and desires have become the truth.  About future Europe may be stated the same thing– it has never come to approach but instantly on its arrival. If anyone asks me about such most desired European position, I am sure, I will not be able to give absolutely clear answer because the future Europe will be absolutely the same as today’s. Enjoyable imaginations of science fiction will not come true immediately. Europe is always full of strives bringing along triumphs and disappointments with itself, and being formed mostly of its inhabitants. And is it easy to name the most desired career at the moment?  

It is a morning. Huge bulks of human beings are flooding around to different directions. To everyone is to carry a little role but many of them, by their own words, would like to go in opposite direction. Everyone desires something another. Someone wants the career that brings in a lot of money. Others are looking for creativity, putting ones’ on a test or something completely different. For me the most desired career has a bearing on education and culture for sure, but I never would say no for such career that brings in mostly money.     

However, somewhere should be found a recipe for the most desired career. Nowadays no one would like to keep still for a long time.  Everyone would like to travel, discover new places and fields of actions. So I present journalist’s job as an example of the most desired career. Work on the field of journalism is quite inexhaustible; it requests an unbroken movement, some communication, and some research. To the monetary side will be added more creative side, too. Just here comes in handy to show the gift of the gab, objective expression of events and diving into depth of problems that doubtlessly bring satisfaction with gelling an answer.   

It has many reasons why I am expressly bringing out journalism. In a way the journalism is the mirror of society, on its latitude of speaking and the quality is possible to say this and that about us too. The same aspects of different states make up a chain that should form stable Europe. In addition have become live issue mutual communication, co-operation and joint projects of Europe youth. The journalist also has to communicate actively with the outer world and cooperate with it.  Very often we express our own thoughts in connection with certain topic, and having a broad audience is even more terrific.    

Here anyone has the right to question my viewpoint because everyone has one’s own opinion, own ideas and wishes. At first sight I am not able to name anyone who, for example, would refuse a post of successful bank manager if it somehow befell him/her. At the same time I do not know anyone who has been doing hard work for that position either. Desired profession is like ….. a lizard.  From it should be clutched quietly and at length, otherwise it will become startled and will leave us only its tail – the feeling that something kind within reaches of our hand. 

Desired and real position will usually stay isolated - just some of us are able to join them. Truly lucky are those who are able to tie together their reality and image – finding in present career something desirable to go onward higher.  It is rather a goal toward which to move and in the whole dimension of Europe. 

  Andero Nimmer

 11th form

Turba Gymnasium

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